Good Morning, Good Night

MORNING Paint the Picture

Episode Summary

Good morning! Let’s use our imaginations to paint a picture of today’s great day.

Episode Notes

Good morning! Let’s use our imaginations to paint a picture of today’s great day.

* You can learn more about Taes Leavitt and her work by visiting

And you can write to Taes or record a voicemail and send it to We would love so much to hear about your day or the ways you say goodnight.

Episode Transcription


S1E23, MORNING Paint the Picture


Taes: Good morning. My name is Taes and I want to welcome you to today. 

Can you wave your hand and say, “Good morning, day.”

Can you put your hands on your heart and say, “Good morning, heart.” 

And I want to say good morning to you. 

I just love getting to start today with you as we check in, as we wake up our bodies, and as we think about what is in store for us today.

Are you ready to start off our morning? Great!

So let's get started with our activity. 


Taes: I wanna say thank you for being here with me. 

Today I want to show you an exercise that I call “Paint the Picture”. So can you imagine that you are holding a paint brush? Let me see that paint brush in your hand. There you go. And you get to paint the picture of your day. 

So this is something that famous athletes do that all sorts of people do to be able to achieve the things that they want in the day is that they imagine it first. And then after they imagine it, it is way more likely to happen. And that is why you are magic, because your brain and your body creates your life.

So I'm gonna show you how you can use this magic tool to picture your day and to paint it exactly the way that you want it to be. 

So I want you to close your eyes and imagine that paint brush in your mind's eye. And now can you start right now where you are and picture all the things that you are going to do today? And some of them, maybe you don't even know, but you can just imagine them. 

Where will you go? And who will you see? Can you paint the picture of a perfect day? Of a day that makes your heart feel really good? 

How do you wanna feel today? You can decide that right now.

And during this time, just imagine your day all the way up until the time that we get together and say goodnight. So what kinds of things do you want to do today?

And if you're coming across a big feeling, maybe you're feeling nervous about something or scared or whatever it is, I want you to imagine yourself moving through that feeling exactly the way you want to. 

How can you find your brave? How can you find your big heart through all of the feelings?

Imagine that, now.

What will you eat today? Where will you go? Who will you be with? 

Can you imagine all of this is all happening and you're going to stretch your arms out beside you. And imagine that you're taking that whole big day that you've just created and you're wrapping it up and you're putting it inside of your heart. So pull your hands into your heart and just rub your heart for me.

You painted the picture of a great day and I'm so excited to see you tonight so that I can hear all about it. 


Taes: I'm so excited for you and for your day. 

And I want to say thank you so much for starting today with me and for setting yourself up for a big heart kind of day.

I can't wait to see you tonight and hear about all of the things that you did. 

Remember: there is nobody in the whole world with a heart, just like yours. 

I love you. And I love your big heart so much.